Install Galaxy S4 Touchwiz Launcher On Any Android Device
Disclaimer :-
This method is performed by third party which is not interlinked with merchants like Google , Samsung , Sony , HTC , Motorola , Micromax etc . Installing Stock firmwares , custom roms or rooting your device may brick your device . In that case our site would not be responsible for any of the damage caused to your device while performing tasks mentioned in our website , better to follow the steps carefully .
Requirements :-
1) Properly Rooted Device
2) CWM and TWRP recovery Installed on it
3) Android 4.0 +
Downloads :-
For XHDPI (1280x720) devices: S4_Launcher_[XHDPI] By_Linq’zQirls’
For HDPI (480x800) devices: S4_Launcher_[HDPI] By_Linq’zQirls’
For MDPI (320x480) devices: S4 Launcher By Linq’z Qirls’
For LDPI (240x320) devices: S4 Launcher [LDPI] By Linq’
Steps :-
1) Download the launcher according to your device resolution ( mentioned all resolution touchwiz launcher downloads for better performance ) , copy it in your device SD card .
2) For your convenience go to Recovery < Backup and Recovery to backup your to backup your current ROM .
3) Now you need to go to Advanced < "Wipe dalvik cache" . Make sure you do it before the installation .
4) Now you need to install "Install zip from sdcard" and then select the downloaded file and flash it
5) Again follow the 3 step . " Advanced < Wipe dalvik cache"
6) Reboot your device .
7) You have completed the installation of Galaxy S4 Touchwiz Launcher On Your Device .
Credits :- SkytechBlog
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